Low cost weighing scale
A and A Scales LLC
"We will not be undersold"
Open 7 days a week

Toll free 800-481-4114
Local     973-800-3965

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Paul Livestock


Portable Truck Scales



A&D Scales

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A&D scales



Transcell Technology
Scales / load cells

Avery Berkel

Money Scales


Label printing scale

Label Printing Scales
from $995





Legal for Trade scales

Used Scales

Lab Balances

Bench Scales

Stainless Bench Scales

Stainless Checkweighers

Stainless Portion Scales

Counting Scales

Crane Scales

Floor / Drum Scales

Fork Lift Scales


Junction Boxes

Livestock Scales

Load Cells

Mechanical Scales

Money Counting Scales

Postal Scales

Price Computing/Deli


Remote Displays

Shipping Scales

Truck Scales



bulletHigh precision full bridge load cell, protected against humidity, shock and overload
bulletPlatform is rugged construction with heavy gauge sheet metal
bulletRemote indicator display and keypad mounted in a separate aluminum box connected to the platform by a 6 foot cable.
bulletLarge display (0.6" height) with red LED 4 digits
bulletLights for Lb, Kg, Tare and "Negative Weight"
bulletKeys for ON, OFF, Lb/Kg, and TARE. 
bulletAutomatic zero tracking
bulletFull range separate LED Tare indicator
bulletPlatform dimensions (inches) 15"(L) x 15"(W) x 2.6"(H)
bulletRemote indicator dimensions (inches) 10.5(L) x 3.5(W) x 1.6(H)
bulletPowered by AC adapter (included) or (6) "C" rechargeable nickel cadmium batteries (charger included)
bulletLow power indicator



WS200L - 200 lb x 0.2 lb  &  90 kg x 0.1 kg $249
WS500L - 500 lb x 0.5 lb  &  200 kg x 0.2 kg $249

WS1000L - 1,000 lb x 1 lb & 450 kg x 0.5 kg

WS2000L - 2,000 lb x 2 lb & 900 kg x 1 kg $399



load cells

load cells


Load cells

load cells

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A and A Scales LLC

78 North 12th Street

Prospect Park NJ 07508

Phone 800-481-4114  973-956-1600

Fax    509-355-3498

We accept Visa, Mastercard & AMEX. Net 30 payment terms for qualified buyers
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