Transcell TC-100
A and A Scales LLC
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Transcell TC-100
counting scale

The Transcell TC-100 High Resolution Counting Scale is designed with simplicity in mind. In less than a minute operators are easily familiar with standard scale operations. Performance is enhanced by Utilizing over 600,000 internal counts.

Model Capacity Platform Price
TC100-2 2 lb x 0.0002 8" x 5.75" $295
TC100-5 5 lb x 0.0005 8" x 5.75" $295
TC100-10 10 lb x 0.001 8" x 5.75" $295
TC100-20 20 lb x 0.002 8" x 5.75" $295


Standard Features and Benefits

Display: 6 Character, 7-Segment Red Light Emitting Diode (LED)
APW Transfer: The APW can be transferred to the TC-2001, 2005, or 2010 utilizing the RS-232 port.
Keypad: 20-key silicone rubber.
Counting Capacity: 999,999
Weighing Resolution: 1 part in 10,000
Keyboard Set-up and Calibration: Calibration and Set-up parameters all keyboard accessible, for speedy installation.
Units of Measure: lb/kg/g
Operating Temperature: 32 degrees F to 104 degrees F
Power Requirements: AC Adapter, 9 VDC, 500mA, included.
Housing: Tan ABS
Base and Sub Platform: Metal
Platform: Stainless Steel
Feet: Non-Skid Hard Rubber
Shipping Weight: 5.6 lb.
Warranty: 1 Year Limited Warranty


ACCUMULATOR FUNCTION: Can accumulate either pieces or weight, and print total.
HIGHLY DURABLE: Easily withstands the rigors of industrial applications, utilizing an ABS case, an all steel frame, and a stainless steel platter.
1:600,000 INTERNAL RESOLUTION: High internal resolution provides greater sensitivity, for increased counting accuracy and weighments.
20 KEY SILICONE NUMERIC KEYPAD: The 20 key membrane panel allows entry of numeric data, such as known tare values, APW's, and specific sample sizes from 1 top 999,999.
HIGHLY VISIBLE RED LED DISPLAY: Scale display can easily be viewed from up to 20' away.
RS 232 PORT: Provides transmission of an APW to the TC-2001, 2005 or the 2010. Also provides transmission to a printer, computer, remote display or other compatible device


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A and A Scales LLC

78 North 12th Street

Prospect Park NJ 07508

Phone 800-481-4114  973-956-1600

Fax    509-355-3498

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