Transcell TC-2010
A and A Scales LLC
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The Transcell TC-2010 Counting Scale built with precision workmanship and quality components, represents an all new practical approach to controlling functional counting accuracy. Over 30 years of industrial counting scale experience and actual field testing are reflected in the features and controls of the TC-2010. Bringing you the first electronic counting scale specifically designed to overcome parts counting inefficiencies, which directly leads to improved profits. Accuracy is a topic of paramount importance in US manufacturing. It has long been realized that inefficiencies in the stockroom can devastate your bottom line. The TC-2010 incorporates distinct features that when utilized, allow you to control the future of your parts accuracy. If you have a true desire to attain your goals there is only one system that gives you the control to reach the the Transcell TC-2010.

Model Capacity Platform Price
TC2010-12 12 lb x 0.001 10.5" x 13.5" $845
TC2010-30 30 lb x 0.002 10.5" x 13.5" $845
TC2010-60 60 lb x 0.005 10.5" x 13.5" $845
TC2010-120 120 lb x 0.01 10.5" x 13.5" $845




RS232 cable     $39
Remote scale cable     $69
Battery pack with charger     $295
CCD scanner     $295
Laser scanner     $695
Qwerty Keyboard     $195


Standard Features and Benefits

Display: 240 X 64 Graphic Dot Matrix LCD, with EL Backlighting.
Power Saver: Power-Saver automatic timer; turns off backlight after no motion is seen for 5 minutes if battery is in use.
Counting Capacity: 999,999
Weighing Resolution: 1 part in 500 to 1:100,000 max.
Keyboard Set-up and Calibration: Calibration and Set-up parameters all keyboard accessible, for speedy installation.
Units of Measure: lb/kg/g
Operating Temperature: 32 degrees F to 104 degrees F
Power Requirements: AC Adapter, 12 VDC, 800mA, including or an optional 6 volt battery.
Housing: Grey ABS
Base and Sub Platform: Metal
Platform: Stainless Steel
Feet: Non-Skid Hard Rubber
Shipping Weight: 28.7 lb.
Warranty: 1 Year Limited Warranty

SUPERVISOR CONTROLLED ACCURACY: Enter in your required level of scale accuracy from 95% to 99.90%. Scale never deviates from the password protected setting, ensuring scale accuracy.
MEMORY ALLOCATION: Provides memory for 2000 records including 25 character part number, 15 character description, piece count, tare, and count accumulator. (Memory is flexible depending on number of characters used in descriptions, and part numbers.
High resolution provides greater sensitivity, for increased counting accuracy and weighments.
SUPERVISOR CONTROLLED SAMPLE SIZE: Enter in your pre-determined sample size from 1 to 999,999. When to few pieces are sampled the scale will prompt the operator for the required number, thus never allowing the operator to circumvent your requirements.
HIGH RESOLUTION DOT MATRIX DISPLAY: Scale display prompts operator with alphanumeric characters, on a highly visible backlit Dot Matrix LCD display.
BI-DIRECTIONAL RS232 PORT: Provides data transmission to a printer, computer, remote display or other compatible devices.


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A and A Scales LLC

78 North 12th Street

Prospect Park NJ 07508

Phone 800-481-4114  973-956-1600

Fax    509-355-3498

We accept Visa, Mastercard & AMEX. Net 30 payment terms for qualified buyers
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